Hotel Sunce
Biorezonantna analiza
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Using electromagnetic signals, Wellness Quantum Resonance Magnetic Analyzer, will help You recognize any change in the frequence of the electrons. These changes will be compared to the normal quantum values.
This way You will have the complete image of Your well-being in general. It is a practical and simple procedure that shows to You recommendations of how to take care of Your health, it shows how to regulate consumation of food and drinks, suplements and which physical activities to include.
Wellness Quantum Resonance Magnetic Analyzer will show You the best recommendations about the treatments You can have in our SPA in order to release tension, stress and to detoxicate the body which is the perfect way to improve Your general well-being.
The results from the analysis will be sent on Your e-mail adress and if You are willing to hear an explanation of Your results, our therapists will gladly explain in details.
Contraindications: pacemaker. Before doing the testing with the Wellness Quantum Resonance Magnetic Analyzer, we do not recommend:

- being active (doing exercises) two hours before,
- Having meals and drink only water,
- Alchohol or any sweetened beverages, coffee nor suplements in the last 24 hours.
- Jewelry and any electornic device should be put aside.
- Use of any hand cream or oil.